[rfc] Fix committed/released distinction

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Fri Apr 8 05:06:40 UTC 2011

On 8 April 2011 14:59, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
>> Any comments/objections?
> Have you considered using series tasks ('nominations') to track that
> per release and still close the project scoped task?
> That would make the most sense to my model of how bzr dev progresses.
> For plugins that don't do series releases, doing what you describe on
> their project scope task would make some sense.

We do use series tasks for updates to stable series (like 2.2, 2.3)
and we use the main-project task for fixing something in trunk, which
is where eg 2.4beta releases come from.  We could modify things to say
that just being landed to trunk counts as fix released, whereas for a
stable series it is only fixcommitted when it's on the branch, and
then fixreleased when it's out.  Is that what you mean?

That would mean we only change the process for things that go into a
stable branch, and only in the case where the reminder to release is
really useful, which is nice.  On the other hand it makes the meaning
of the statuses more complex.

Or do you mean that as well as the trunk, we would create a series
task for things going into the current beta series?  I don't think
that would fit well; it would mean practically every bug gets +1 more
task, without really carrying more information.


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