Cease PPA support for bzr-builddeb on hardy (& jaunty)

vila v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Mar 31 16:18:07 UTC 2011

>>>>> John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

    > On 3/31/2011 4:36 PM, Max Bowsher wrote:
    >> bzr-builddeb now contains tests in its testsuite which depend upon dpkg
    >> support for source format 3.0.
    >> This means its testsuite fails on Ubuntu << karmic.
    >> bzr-builddeb is a developer tool, and highly unlikely to be used by
    >> anyone on ancient distroseries like hardy and jaunty.
    >> Therefore I propose to cease ~bzr PPA support for bzr-builddeb in hardy
    >> and jaunty - please speak now if you actually have a use-case for it -
    >> thanks :-)
    >> Max.

    > Why not just have those tests self.requireFeature(dpkg)

    > Seems a much more reasonable solution.

Right, but I don't think it would make bzr-builddeb usable and as such
it's probably not worth the effort.

The test suite is meant to provide a way to check that a piece of code
works as intended, the relationship between builddeb and dpkg doesn't
look like an optional feature here so skipping may carry the wrong

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