More ideas about re-designing config files

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Mar 31 04:14:07 UTC 2011

Thanks for publishing that.  I think we are on the same track.

I think we can get there gradually though, and if we file some bugs
tagged say 'config' we can get there gradually.

For instance we can have one step which is just to provide (and
document) a better internal API for looking up configuration values
rather than creating a GlobalConfig directly; then move code to use
that.  I'd like to do that early on.

I'm not sure just what the 'Config object' in your doc is.  (That name
is probably too generic.)  Is that the same as the Stack in your mail?
 I think the second name (or maybe ConfigStack) is more specific.

I thought about this the other day because I wanted a way to configure
automatic lock breaking; ideally in a way such that you can control it
by location.  How should this look?

In pseudocode, it's


is that enough?


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