Contents conflict from fast-import when files were renamed

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Sat Mar 26 20:09:08 UTC 2011

> From: vila <v.ladeuil+lp at>
> Cc: bazaar at
> Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 19:44:37 +0100
>     >   bzr resolve --action=take-other doc/idutils.texi
>     >   bzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('duplicate', 'new-2', 'new-48', u'idutils.texi')]
>     > (Btw, the docs says to submit a bug report about this kind of failure;
>     > should I, given what's below?)
> Yes please if you're using a version recent enough. Otherwise, check
> that newer versions don't fix this (it may be or

I have bzr 2.3.1.  The first of these bugs was fixed in 2.2, so it
cannot be it.  The second one looks very similar, but it was fixed in
2.3.b5, so I guess mine is different, and I should file a separate

> If you file a bug, having access to your repo will immensely simplify
> diagnosis and fix.

You mean, attach the repo to the bug report?  I can do that, but it
will be a 15MB upload -- is that okay?  I guess I could compress it
for smaller size.

>     > Also, shouldn't the fast-import plugin provide a way of generating
>     > bzr renames while importing from git repositories in such cases,
>     > in the first place?
> This is probably the way to go (taking into account Eric's remarks about
> a way to let the user decide[1]).

So is another bug report in order, this time against fast-import?

> [2]: These collisions on file-ids are rarely encountered (to the best of
> my knowledge[3]) and the most common ones came from devs exchanging patches
> without using a common branch which is generally for a short period of
> time as far as the given file is concerned.
> [3]: Excluding parallel imports where the files come from two branches
> which have different histories *because* they are involved in loosely
> coupled workflows (think upstream branches and packaging branches where
> the later import tarballs instead of VCS data).

Couldn't "bzr add --file-ids-from" help me in some way?

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