[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Aaron Bentley aaron at aaronbentley.com
Thu Mar 24 22:51:35 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 11-03-24 03:28 PM, Gordon Tyler wrote:
> It seems to me that a potential solution would be to make the repository
> aware of branches

All .bzr directories are aware of the branches they contain.

> , i.e. the repository would hold the list of pointers of
> branch names to revisions (since that's all a branch is, right?).

There is also configuration data.  There are also tags.

> With this in place, you could do the colocated thing where the working
> tree has the repo embedded inside .bzr and be able to switch the working
> tree between branches.

You can do that today already.  Even pipelines' reconfigure-pipeline
command does this.

> In both cases, the working tree is essentially a light-weight
> checkout with an additional pointer to the particular branch inside the
> repo.

I don't understand why an additional pointer would be useful in these
scenarios.  You can do this today, with a single pointer.

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