[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Denys Duchier denys.duchier at univ-orleans.fr
Wed Mar 23 20:59:46 UTC 2011

Hi Martin,

I like the idea of adopting brz-colo as the default model.  Perhaps I am
missing something, but it seems to me that the paradigm shift could be
described simply as follows: every repository contains (and thus knows)
a hierarchical namespace of branches.

In this new world order, the notion of branch is no longer separable
from that of repository: it literally is a name in a repo's namespace.

"bzr clone" would copy part of the namespace (+ data) (perhaps into an
existing repo). "bzr branch" could be viewed as just "bzr clone" on a
leaf of the namespace.

We could still have a working tree colocated with a repo.  A
non-colocated wt would be a "lightweight" checkout.  (I am not sure about
"binding"; the devil is in the details, as always).

If I am way off base, perhaps you can set me straight.



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