[bzr] repo for bzr

Andreas Ostermann andreas.ostermann.11 at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 23 10:17:24 UTC 2011


2011/3/23 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net>:
> Andreas Ostermann пишет:
>> 2011/3/23 Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net>:
>>> Andreas Ostermann пишет:
>>>> bzr externals is nice, but takes too much manual work...
>>> Please, explain why you think so.
>> As mentioned in my mail to Jelmer, the problem is that you have to do
>> everything manually, which leads to errors.
> I don't quite agree. High-level commit will update the snapshot of the
> entire project. This snapshot holds revision ids for all components of the
> project, so on the next checkout or pull you should get consistent project
> tree again, because subcomponents will be updated to what is in the
> snapshot.

hmm, I admit, that I have not tried the bzr-externals lately, have
there been some improvements lately (so the last year or so?)?



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