[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Mar 23 06:47:20 UTC 2011

Stephen J. Turnbull пишет:
> It seems to me that use of Mercurial named branches in CPython was a
> mistake, because of the discontinuity at fork and merge nodes.  I
> think that "branch" has become identified with the concept "line of
> development" (aka LOD, ie, a branch starts from an empty source tree
> and is continuous all the way to its tip), and the discontinuity of
> soi-disant "named branches" is jarring and inconvenient in many ways.
> And the reason above (basically, stashing experimental LODs) doesn't
> apply to public repos.

What does "LOD" stand for?

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