[rfc] bzr-colo into core

Lluís xscript at gmx.net
Mon Mar 21 23:49:33 UTC 2011

Martin Pool writes:

> Let's make bzr-colo the default model for bzr 3.0 in September.

Can co-located branches be grouped under a single identifying name?
Something like:

          |- branch1
          |- branch2
          \- branch3-pipelined
             |- stage1
             |- stage2
             \- stage3

I mean, if I were using a pipeline or similar, which makes heavy use of
co-located branches, these co-located branches that exist only for the
sake of the pipeline should be clearly different (to my understanding)
of any other user-defined branch that is outside the pipeline

So that if I were in branch1, asking for the list of branches should
just return branch1, branch2 and branch3-piplined, but not the
stages. And when being in branch3-pipelined, maybe the stage branches
should also be "hidden" unless I use the pipeline plugin.

Maybe this can all be nicely handled by the pipeline plugin (or any
other similar plugin) without any extra support, or even maybe it is
already being handled like that; I just don't know but thought that it
might be usefull to make the system behave like that.


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