Searching history to find out which files I've changed

Francis Devereux francis at
Fri Mar 18 10:06:48 UTC 2011

On 18 Mar 2011, at 07:27, Gary van der Merwe wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 17/03/2011 17:48, Francis Devereux wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I would like to find out which files I've changed between a certain 
>> revision and the latest one (i.e. want to see a list that includes 
>> files that I have changed but not files that other committers have 
>> changed).
> Hi
> qlog has functionality to filter to show commits by an author. But it
> unfortunately does not have the option to show the status/diff of just
> those commit

Yes, I use qlog's filter by author functionality already (perhaps I should have mentioned that earlier) and I find qbzr very useful. However, because its a GUI not a command line tool if I've committed a lot of revisions it takes a while to click on each one and look at its file list.



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