How to install Python modules needed by plugins?

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Mon Mar 7 21:53:49 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-03-07 at 09:14 -0500, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> I found no information in the docs regarding the subject.  A natural
> place to find this would be here:
> or here:
> But it isn't there, unless I'm blind.
> The case in point is the bzr-fastimport plugin, which depends on
> python-fastimport.  There's no information in python-fastimport itself
> regarding its installation.  Googling found this recipe:
> 	bzr branch lp:python-fastimport python_fastimport 
> 	cd python-fastimport/ 
> 	python install
> Running installed python-fastimport in
> lib/python2.6/site-packages/ under my home directory, but "bzr
> fast-import" still refused to run saying it couldn't find the
> fastimport module:
>   bzr: ERROR: Unable to import library "fastimport": bzr-fastimport
>   requires the fasimport python module
> I then tried to google in order to understand where bzr looks for
> Python modules, but found nothing.  Next, I tried to find out which
> value of PYTHONPATH is used or set by bzr (I have no such variable in
> my environment), but couldn't find anything, either.  I finally got
> that to work by setting PYTHONPATH to lib/python2.6/site-packages/,
> but I still would like authoritative answers to the following
> questions:
>  . What is the recommended way of installing Python support modules?
It depends on the way you have installed Bazaar. If you're using a
OS-provided package or a PPA Bazaar will look in the same places as any
other Python application. You're probably also best off installing
dependencies using your system's package manager.

As far as I know it's not possible to install extra dependencies for the
standard Bazaar Windows installer, only for the Python-based installer.
But perhaps people with more experience using Bazaar on Windows can
clarify that.

>  . Where does bzr look for Python modules?
It just uses whatever the Python it uses happens to have as sys.path, it
doesn't add any additional locations.

>  . If installing a Python module involves setting PYTHONPATH in the
>    environment, then must the value of PYTHONPATH include the
>    directory where bzrlib lives?  I thought that this variable only
>    _adds_ directories to what bzr already searches by default, but
>    when I pointed it to another directory, I got this error message:
>     bzr: ERROR: Couldn't import bzrlib and dependencies.
>     Please check the directory containing bzrlib is on your PYTHONPATH.
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "/usr/bin/bzr", line 107, in <module>
> 	import bzrlib
>     ImportError: No module named bzrlib
>     Command exited with non-zero status 1
You're right, PYTHONPATH should prepend the existing sys.path, it should
not override it. Does one of the directories in your PYTHONPATH perhaps
also have a directory or file named bzrlib or ?


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