Creating a bzr branch out of a series of tarballs

Eric Siegerman lists08-bzr at
Sat Mar 5 22:34:18 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 11:04 -0500, Gordon Tyler wrote:
> No, but 'bzr rm' on its own without arguments will "scan for files
> are being tracked by Bazaar but missing in your tree and stop tracking
> them for you."

So will "bzr commit", without your having to do anything at all.
That is, adds must be requested explicitly, but "commit" detects
removes and just does them.

(There is disagreement as to whether this is the right behaviour,
but it is certainly the *current* behaviour.  I'm not sure which
side I stand on, to be honest, but this isn't the thread to be
discussing that anyways :-) )

  - Eric

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