Windows file locking with bzr 2.2.3

W. Trevor King wking at
Thu Feb 24 22:15:29 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 04:12:59PM -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> > I don't really understand how stricter locking ties into explicitly
> > listing a root directory, but I suppose that doesn't really matter to
> > me ;).
> We use a read lock while reading the list of files, to ensure that
> things don't change in the middle. (Otherwise you might see a file, but
> not the containing directory, for example.)
> We use a write lock while updating the tree, to ensure that the data
> structure stays consistent. (Otherwise process 1 might try to add foo,
> and process 2 might add bar, and one of them would ignore the others
> changes, etc.)

But why both of them for cmd_add with an explicitly given file list?
Wouldn't you just need a write lock?

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