Slow "bzr branch" on Savannah

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Mon Feb 21 00:25:11 UTC 2011

Eric Siegerman wrote:
> The "bzr serve" command starts a bzr server on (by default) port
> 4155, which:
>  1. serves only the directory tree rooted at /tmp/test
>  2. serves it read-only
>  3. is pretty short-lived, as long as you remember to kill the
>     server process when you're done
> So even if you don't trust "bzr serve"'s security [1], the risk
> seems minimal.  Plus there's:
>  4. Your firewall probably blocks inbound port 4155 anyway

You can pass --port= as well, so that it will listen only
on the loopback interface.


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