Not possible to pull or update using smart server in 2.3.0

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Sat Feb 19 23:43:57 UTC 2011

> Ok, so the next step is to understand which lock is attempted, either by
> its file name or (better) by a traceback.
> Do you more precise info than 
>   bzr://server/project/branch
> i.e. at some hint about whether it's a branch, a repo, the repo's
> branch, is there a working tree there ?
I've attached the traceback that I got to the bug report. On the server
I have a shared repository without trees for each branch with each
branch as a directory inside it. On my local machine I have a shared
repository but with trees.
> Knowing what bzr version were you using before the upgrade may also help
> refine the diagnosis.
I'm pretty sure I was using 2.2.4 before I upgraded.
> That's the first report of this kind (apart for the one mentioned above
> which has been encountered on a pretty old setup so we ~know what
> happened there) so the sooner we sort it out, the better.
For me too ;-) I can reproduce it every time so let me know if you need
more information...


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