Not possible to pull or update using smart server in 2.3.0

Nicholas Allen nick.allen at
Sat Feb 19 07:57:03 UTC 2011


I upgraded my server and client to the very latest bzr 2.3.0. Now when I
try to pull or update my branch on my client using the smart server I
get the following error:

Using saved parent location: bzr://server/project/branch
bzr: ERROR: Received bad protocol version marker: 'Unable to obtain
lock  held by devel\nat devel [process #1422], acquired 5 seconds
ago.\nSee "bzr help break-lock" for more.\n'  

It seems that Bazaar is locking itself out! Each time I run it the lock
is a different one and there are no locks on the server or client and I
am the only one using the server and client. It's always held a few
seconds ago so it's clearly the smart server process that is spawned by
Bazaar that blocks itself. I did not have this problem before upgrading.

Any help greatly appreciated...


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