bzr-gtk release process

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Thu Feb 10 08:58:23 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-02-09 at 10:13 +0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
> There are a couple of problems with the bzr-gtk release process right now.

> 1) The release process is documented at
>, but this is
> *incredibly undiscoverable* from the branch source code. I only found it
> because there's a reference to changing it in NEWS.
> Proposal: Move this documentation into the branch, as a file called
> RELEASING (or suggest alternative names)
I wouldn't mind merging it into the branch, but I also don't see the
issue with it at the moment. This page doesn't have to be particularly
discoverable - release managers are the only people who should care
about it, and new release managers get told about it.

> 2) bzr-gtk uses a file called 'credits.pickle', which is generated by
> bzr-stats. This needs to be done manually (by invoking '
> build_credits') when building a release tarball, and has been forgotten
> twice in recent times: Moreover, it means we can't
> do a daily recipe build of bzr-gtk (because we can't run arbitrary extra
> generation steps when building the source package, and we can't build
> the credits.pickle when building the binary package)
> Proposal: Just check the credits.pickle into the branch. Modify the
> releasing instructions to remind the release manager to manually update
> the checked in copy where they would normally build one just for the
> tarball.
Including credits.pickle in the branch seems reasonable, but why would
we leave it until the release to do so? I'd rather just update
credits.pickle every time we merge into trunk.



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