Restoring history of a "bzr remove"d file

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Sun Feb 6 10:32:43 UTC 2011

> Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2011 03:38:37 -0600
> From: "Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at>
> Cc: bazaar at
> On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 04:17:55AM -0500 I heard the voice of
> Eli Zaretskii, and lo! it spake thus:
> > 
> > So does this mean that a file by the same name in the same directory
> > as a file that was previously "bzr remove"d will always have the
> > same file-id?
> No, file-id's are generated semi-randomly.  You'd have more chance of
> coming up with the file history by stirring a bowl of alphabet soup
> than by accidentally winding up with a duplicated file-id...

Then what magic is part of "bzr revert" that succeeds to stir that
bowl just right?


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