Performance of bzr update for lightweight checkout

Ulrich Mueller ulm at
Fri Feb 4 21:11:44 UTC 2011

>>>>> On Fri, 04 Feb 2011, Aaron Bentley wrote:

> Sure. Lightweight checkouts are optimised for your a use case very
> different from yours, where the data it accesses is considered
> local. By using lightweight checkouts, you are choosing to operate
> without a cache, which is why bzr is downloading data inefficiently
> or repeatedly.

Thanks, this was really helpful info.

So, would the following be a more appropriate scheme for us?
1) initial branch with "bzr branch --no-tree" (maybe preceded by
   "bzr init-repo --no-trees" if there are live ebuilds for several
   branches of the same project?)
2) temporary checkout to the local build directory with
   "bzr checkout --lightweight" (which will be deleted when the
   package has been installed)
3) later updates of the branch with "bzr pull"


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