[ANN] 2.3.0 has gone gold

INADA Naoki songofacandy at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 08:44:38 UTC 2011

>> TortoiseBZR 0.6b1 can't work with PyQt 4.5. So if PyQt 4.5 is used to
>> installer, I should fix the problem before Windows installer is build.
> Please could explain why it does not work in PyQt 4.5?

I and IWATA-san uses PyQt 4.7 or later for these months, so TortoiseBZR's
new config pane uses API that is available from PyQt 4.6.

> It is a bit late to upgrade this.

IWATA-san has prepared the fix to work with PyQt 4.5 already. He will merge
the fix and release TBZR 0.6 within a day. Please build installer with it.

INADA Naoki  <songofacandy at gmail.com>

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