bzr diff --filter= or equivalent?

Doug Lee dgl at
Thu Feb 3 20:56:51 UTC 2011

I think it is, but good point anyway.  That was a prototype I whipped
up in a few minutes.  I've already further modified it a bit.  :)

On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 03:52:11PM -0500, Eric Siegerman wrote:
On Thu, 2011-02-03 at 13:34 -0500, Doug Lee wrote:
> for fname in z.namelist():

Is the order of z.namelist() stable?  If not, sorting it
would remove one source of false differences.

  - Eric

Doug Lee                 dgl at      
SSB BART Group           doug.lee at
"Innovation is hard to schedule." -- Dan Fylstra

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