annotate -rNNN for a removed file

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Tue Feb 1 12:26:20 UTC 2011

Andrew Bennetts writes:

 > > You say priority is the level of urgency allocated to fixing that bug.
 > > But level of urgency for which people? Priority varies from person to
 > > person due to factors like ~my employer is paying me to have bug X
 > > fixed~ or ~bug X causes crashes for me (but no-one else)~.

As Ben suggests, XEmacs uses "severity" (which is the property of the
reporter, although people who apply "show-stopper" severity to a typo
in a warning message are likely to find that all their issues get
"*Real* Soon Now" priority :-), and "priority" which is property of
the triager (for unassigned issues) or the assigned developer.
"Priority" does not actually bind the developer, but rather is
intended to communicate to the reporter how much attention his issue
is likely to get from core developers in the short run.

In active issues the severity and priority tend to be highly
correlated so I don't know if this actually *works* for the reporters,
but that's the theory.

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