[ANN] Encrypted Credential Store for Windows

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Jan 31 15:50:37 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 1/31/2011 1:41 AM, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 30 January 2011 01:00, vila <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr> wrote:
>>    > <scheme> should be something like 'http' or 'ftp'. It won't work for ssh
>>    > or sftp since Bazaar requires the use of an ssh-agent for those schemes.
>> We recommend using ssh agents because they are more suited for ssh
>> connections because they are audited for security whereas
>> authentication.conf and bzr hasn't been yet (and keeping small code
>> bases for audit purposes is the Right Thing to do). Your plugin does
>> exactly that.
> If bzr can't get paramiko ssh passwords from a plugable credential
> store, that's a bug.  Assuming you are using passwords and using
> paramiko inprocess in bzr, nothing is gained by not having the
> password stored in cryptoapi.
> Martin

Right. Though I don't think this supports things like ssh keys, which is
usually the recommended way to handle auth with ssh.

So I agree it is a bug, possibly one we haven't pushed for fixing,
because ssh keys are generally preferred.

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