bzr shelve

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Jan 27 15:59:11 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 1/27/2011 8:39 AM, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 20:59 +0900, David Muir wrote:
>> Been wondering about this for a while, and just ran into it again. I've 
>> got a file where there are a couple of changes, and I want to separate 
>> them, so I was going to use `bzr shelve`. However, it treats the two 
>> changes as a single change, so I can't shelve one of them to commit the 
>> other.
>> Is the only way around this to make a temporary branch, merge 
>> --uncommitted, and then remove one of the changes, commit, then merge 
>> back to my other branch?
>> Is there a way to work with more fine-grained hunks?
> It'd be great if shelve had a way to split chunks. E.g. "git add -i" has
> a way to do this. Feel free to file a bug about this.
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

We do, but you have to know about the magic "change_editor" config var.
I think what we should do instead is always present 'e' with appropriate
help text, and if the user presses it without having an editor defined,
then it either uses our existing "guess what editor", it prompts them
for one and saves it, or gives them a "no editor configured, see ..."
and ignores the request.

That way the functionality is discoverable.

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