MemoryError in 2.2.0 in odd case: Can I reduce memory requirements?

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Jan 27 00:19:04 UTC 2011

On 22 January 2011 10:50, Maritza Mendez <martitzam at> wrote:
> Hi, Martin.
> Your observation about phones is certainly correct.  I would ask how this
> scales on the bzr smartserver end of the wire.  If, say, four developers are
> merging to/from four different branches [1] simultaneously, it seems like
> the box running the bzr smartserver might thrash badly.
> What do you expect?
> [1] For simplicity, assume plain branches.  For complexity, assume four
> branches in a shared repo.

The particular thing discussed here is pulling from svn into bzr,
which has higher memory usage than doing things in bzr native formats.

Generally speaking very little Python memory is shared, so if four
people do this operation at the very same time it will use 4x as much


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