bzr-svn not caching credentials

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Jan 25 20:14:26 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 14:57 -0500, Gordon Tyler wrote:
> On Tue, January 25, 2011 2:19 pm, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> > On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 14:03 -0500, Gordon Tyler wrote:
> >> If bzr-can read the saved auth info, why can't it update it as well?
> > It seems wrong for Bazaar to be writing to ~/.subversion. Also,
> > passwords are stored plain-text in ~/.subversion, which is a security
> > concern. As a Bazaar user I wouldn't want Bazaar to write my passwords
> > in plain text *anywhere* on disk automatically.
> Passwords are not stored in plain-text on Windows. The only file in my
> Subversion auth cache dir contains an encrypted form of my password.
> According to
>, it uses
> Windows encryption facilities. It can also use the Mac OS X Keychain
> facility. On Linux/Unix, you can configure in your subversion config which
> password store to use, e.g. gnome-keyring or kwallet. This seems to be a
> svn 1.6 feature.
bzr-svn deliberately doesn't talk to gnome-keyring or kwallet through
libsvn. Bazaar already has integration with gnome-keyring and kwallet
and the concern is that we try the same credentials more than once.

> See
> for more info.
> Basically, as far as I'm concerned, bzr-svn should be behaving like a
> normal svn client in this regard.
I think bzr-svn should be acting as a normal /bzr/ client. It would be
very confusing if accessing two repositories over http using bzr had
different behaviour in terms of password caching. 

> > Personally, I would prefer for Bazaar to support e.g. gnome-keyring to
> > handle caching of credentials.
> I don't think Windows has anything like that, does it?
Then we should look at alternatives. I think Bazaar should behave
consistently when caching credentials - independent of what the format
is of the repository at the other end. Accessing two different
repositories over http:// should not result in the password being cached
in ~/.subversion in one case and not being cached in the other.


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