[ANN] bzr 2.3b5 has gone gold

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Thu Jan 13 22:14:30 UTC 2011

Thanks to everyone who helped with this release !

This is an announcement for the packaging people for them to get binary
packages built so that we can get a final release announcement out.

Plugins authors may also start preparing official releases targeted at
the 2.3 series as the official 2.3.0 is approaching (due in February
2011), I'd like the installers and packages for 2.3b5 to carry as much
stable plugin releases as possible, as opposed to the trunk tips we are
packaging right now.

The beta will be announced on Tuesday morning US/Central with whatever
installers are available at this point.

The tarball has been uploaded, and bzr.dev will soon be opened as 2.4dev1.


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