qbzr in the PPA, karmic issues

Gary van der Merwe garyvdm at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 19:42:53 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 02/12/2010 22:07, Max Bowsher wrote:
> On 02/12/10 10:01, Gary van der Merwe wrote:
>> On 01/12/2010 23:08, Max Bowsher wrote:
>>> The debian qbzr packaging has been updated to run the qbzr testsuite
>>> during build. This has uncovered an issue when building qbzr 0.19.3 in
>>> the bzr PPA for karmic.
>>>   File "/build/buildd/qbzr-0.19.3/lib/tests/modeltest.py", line 69, in
>>> nonDestructiveBasicTest
>>>     assert(self.model.columnCount(QtCore.QModelIndex()) >= 0)
>>> TypeError: QAbstractItemModel.columnCount() is abstract and cannot be
>>> called as an unbound method
>>> Can someone with QT skills analyze whether this means that qbzr now
>>> requires the version of QT from at least lucid, or not?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Max.
>> Hi Max.
>> I would say this is an error in the testsuite, not in the app. I do need
>> to take a look at this. Please log a bug for it in qbzr.
> Filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/684402
> As we are only discovering this now because it just happens that we
> turned the testsuite on, I will go ahead and reupload qbzr 0.19.3 to the
> proposed PPA with the testsuite turned back off.
> Max.

I remember this now. It is caused buy a bug in pyqt 4.6.0. I made a ppa
with pyqt 4.6.1 to workaround the issue[1]. I assumed that the
maintainers would update it in ubuntu, but that has not happened.

[1] https://launchpad.net/~garyvdm/+archive/python-qt4-ppa/

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