increasing the python requirement (was Re: [rfc] upgrade pqm chroot to lucid)

jbowtie at jbowtie at
Thu Jan 6 04:54:29 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> From memory 2.6 has relatively more relevant new features we'd like to
> use than 2.5 does, so there is an incentive to bump our requirement
> all the way to 2.6.
> Before deciding when to go to 3.0 I'd like to take a spike on actually
> doing the conversion, or getting bzr going under 2to3, so that we have
> a better measure of how buggy or hard it's going to be.

If you were to go all the way to 2.6 I'd definitely volunteer to start
running the codebase through 2to3 regularly and contributing patches.
Being able to explicitly distinguish between bytes and strings is
probably the hardest part we'll face.

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