increasing the python requirement

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Jan 4 21:56:42 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

>> Not anymore since you mentioned it :)
>> Iff we introduced a new format, we'll also have to support it for
>> python-2.4 [1]
>> We have plenty of time to discuss with the users involved. This includes
>> mentioning that interoperability inside a project is based on the format
>> used[2]. Add a smooth upgrade operation (still need work) and people have
>> plenty of time to migrate.
>> Even if we have to do such focused backports, I think the corresponding
>> effort is still worth the benefits of having to support only 2 different
>> versions of python instead of 4.

One thing to consider, is if there is a new repo format, to provide it
as a plugin to bzr <=2.3.

> If you do backports of new formats to the version of bzr that supports
> python-2.4 that strikes a great balance as far as I'm concerned.
> I still have to keep bzr running on RHEL5 for people who use it there until
> RHEL5 EOLs and the big thing is *not* performance optimizations, new
> software that targets new APIs, and such... end users understand that those
> types of things may require a newer version of python/bzr.  It really is just --
> "I'm running RHEL5 and I need to interoperate with the repository format on
> launchpad to checkout the latest version of gwibber" or "I'm running bzr
> smart server on a RHEL5 server and a few of the clients pushing repos get
> errors because they default to the new format."
> -Toshio

There are no immediate plans to implement a new format. But it is
certainly something that we would be unlikely to backport into an old
stable release.

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