Patch pilot report

Andrew Bennetts andrew.bennetts at
Thu Dec 23 07:51:48 GMT 2010

I had a relatively short stint in the patch pilot's chair this week, due
to planned and unplanned leave.  Even so, the queue is in a pretty good
shape: it's not particularly long (currently 1 approved; 7 review
conversations in progress; 0 unreviewed).  I think for all the reviews
in progress the next steps to take are clear and many cases already
underway, although progress is likely to be slow over the holiday

In short: the queue is a manageable size, and no-one is obviously
blocked, and if it weren't for people doing things other than coding
they'd all be done by now ;)

The next pilot on the roster is Santa Claus.  He's reputed to be rather
busy at this time of year, so you may have better luck the following
week (the week that starts Jan 3rd) with Vincent.


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