Bzr merge problem

Trent Johnson Trent.Johnson at
Thu Dec 16 22:15:09 GMT 2010


I am trying to get a feature branch merged into our product's development trunk.

About a week ago a developer decided to merge his (incomplete) work into trunk, first he merged trunk with his branch (bug678) to get it up-to-date (trunk revision 273). Then the developer merged his feature branch with trunk (to create trunk revision 274).

As the product manager, after a review of the work, I decided to revert the trunk back to the previous revision (revision 273) to get revision 275.

I used:
bzr revert -r273

The developer continued working on his feature branch, trunk received commits from other developers (now up to revision 279).

The developer is now truly ready to merge and commit his feature branch with trunk.
He performed a merge with trunk from within his feature branch:
bzr merge ../trunk

And received tuns of changes and conflicts. Many more than the simply changes that occurred between his previous merge of trunk and the HEAD of trunk.

How should he merge trunk back into his feature branch before merging his changes with trunk?


Trent Johnson, P.Eng.
Senior Systems Engineer,
Software Engineering Manager
432 - 1496 Lower Water Street
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