Weird failure of a merge to local branch

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Sat Dec 11 03:23:33 GMT 2010

"Mark A. Flacy" <mflacy at> writes:

> But then why not just call the operation "mirror", if that is what is
> for?

If you're seeking a contingent explanation, I'd venture: because there
are two commands to be named, one for each direction of travel. The
symmetry of their conceptual operations made ‘push’ and ‘pull’ seem a
clear pair. (This explanation may or may not reflect the actual thinking
behind those names.)

As for a present justification, I'm not in a position to answer.

 \         “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, |
  `\     Brain, but if they called them ‘Sad Meals’, kids wouldn't buy |
_o__)                                    them!” —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

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