Revisit Newbie Bazaar Repository and Branch Setup

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Fri Dec 10 21:59:19 GMT 2010

Eric Siegerman <lists08-bzr at> writes:

> One thing that will reduce your confusion: stop worrying about
> repository vs. thing-inside-the-repository. Once you've created a
> shared repo, you can pretty much just ignore it.

Mostly true, but with an important caveat:

> A branch does *not* contain a pointer to its shared repo; rather, bzr
> searches up the directory tree from the branch, looking for the first
> of ../.bzr/repository, ../../.bzr/repository, etc. that it can find.
> This is why all of the branches must physically reside under the
> "shared-repo" directory.

Right. So moving a branch around the filesystem is usually fine, *but*
moving a branch from inside its shared repository to outside that
repository, or into another shared repository, will break that branch.

This bites newbies more often than I'd like :-/

So, in this respect, one *must* remain aware of the shared repository.

 \      “We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't |
  `\        scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what |
_o__)                                         annoys me.” —Jack Handey |
Ben Finney

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