Higher level methods in bzrlib for library users

Tim Penhey tim at penhey.net
Sun Dec 5 00:14:31 GMT 2010

Reading many of the responses I see that most people see that I'm advocating 
more methods on the existing objects.

I wasn't thinking of that at all.

Personally I was thinking of stand alone functions that take parameters.  
Those parameters generally don't change and have interface stability from 
release to release, as there isn't much that needs to change on the high level 
because you are asking higher level questions of the object model.  The tests 
enforce correctness from release to release.

I was thinking of either:
  a separate module, like bzrlib.something
  a collection of higher level objects that wrap the existing ones

I'm not all that keen on functions wrapping the CLI as the main implementation 
because they have parameters up the kazoo.  What I care about is a simple, 
clean, understandable interface for non-bzr-gurus.

Stand-alone functions are simple to write, simple to document, simple to 
implement (ish), and can be encorporated at a later stage if deemed useful 


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