QBzr 0.19.3 released

Gary van der Merwe garyvdm at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 13:21:33 GMT 2010

On behalf of QBzr development team I'd like to announce maintenance
release of QBzr 0.19.3.

What's new in this release
 * The 0.19 series is now marked as incompatible with bzr versions >= 2.3.
   This due to Bug #650905.
 * qlog:
   * Fix actions that use the branch menu on PyQt 4.7.4.   (Bug #621158)
   * Fix crash when trying to "Revert to this revision",  "Update to
this revision", etc. (Bug #680787)
 * Restore ignore button for error dialogs.

Source tarball and windows installer here:


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