what if tracker url changes?
Frits Jalvingh
jal at etc.to
Thu Nov 18 17:50:41 GMT 2010
I understand why file ids, revision ids and the like need to be globally
unique. I do not see that case for bugs solved in a specific tracker,
especially since the tracker ID is not created by Bazaar at all: it is
created by some local specification, hopefully in accord with some
tracker that understands the resulting URL. And the discussion already
focuses on the fact that it is not a single unique ID at all- it's key
would/should change if the tracker URL changes.
If you want to have the ability to have some unique "key" representing
this then just represent the bugtracker instance itself with some unique
key and separate the bug ID from it. I really do not see any reason at
all to have a bug be identified by an unique key. And I see lots of
reasons to have a "normal" representation of that bug, usable for
something else than only displaying the bug (if the tracker is still
alive there).
On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 09:06 -0500, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/18/2010 06:04 AM, Frits Jalvingh wrote:
> > I do not see a single reason *why* bug specs need to be globally unique.
> They need to be globally unique so that they are not ambiguous. So that
> when a user encounters them, they are able to do something useful with
> them. If you and I each use the identifier "foo" to refer to different
> things, a third party who encounters the identifier will not know which
> is intended.
> globally-unique identifiers are a fundamental requirement for
> distributed version control. Revision-ids are unique. File-ids are
> unique. User-ids and bug-ids are best-effort unique. It is the only
> way we know to provide a coherent system where entities can create their
> identifiers independently.
> Aaron
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