what if tracker url changes?

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Thu Nov 18 05:50:57 GMT 2010

Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
 > Martin Pool writes:
 >  > There is a ton of theory about URLs, but basically they are a string
 >  > that specifies where a given resource can be found.  One could argue
 >  > we should instead store a URN
 > In fact, URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) and URNs (Uniform Resource
 > Name) are syntactically both instances of URIs (Uniform Resource
 > Identifier).  So Bazaar can't tell the difference just by looking at
 > them.

I should note that for our purposes here, the urn: scheme is really
just syntactic sugar.  The proposed syntax urn:launchpad.net:..." is
invalid from the get-go ("." is not allowed by RFC 2141), and
furthermore I'm pretty sure that you're not going to be able to
satisfy the RFC 3406 requirements for registering a NID derived from
"launchpad", except for "x-launchpad".  They're very strict.

So semantically you're back to the older generic idea of URN as an
invariant URI, rather than the urn: scheme defined by RFC 2141 and
friends.  You may as well use URL syntax.

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