2.3b2: Slow commands (several seconds) under SunOS / Sparc

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Nov 18 04:53:33 GMT 2010

2010-11-18 06:34 Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com>:
> On 18 November 2010 04:49, Voelker, Bernhard
> <bernhard.voelker at siemens-enterprise.com> wrote:
>> Usually `truss -f command` unveils lots of information. But I think this is
>> the syscall which is eating much time across all you truss output files:
>> open64                   .050    1406   1216
>> Bazaar (or the shell it invokes, or python trying to load many modules, ...)
>> tries to open a lot of files which takes rather long. And many attemps fail
>> (1216 out of 1406). Using `truss -f ...` will show you what's going on.
> In this case it might be worth trying to package bzr into a zip/egg
> file: this has a little more cpu overhead, but fewer filesystem round
> trips.
> How old is this machine, 10+ years?

Yes, about so. Quite a typical figure in educational sector.

    $ /usr/platform/$(uname -m)/sbin/prtdiag

    System Configuration: Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Serverblade1 (UltraSPARC-IIe 650MHz)
    System clock frequency: 108 MHZ
    Memory size: 1GB

    ==================================== CPUs ====================================
                   E$          CPU                    CPU     Temperature
    CPU  Freq      Size        Implementation         Mask    Die   Amb.  Status      Location
    ---  --------  ----------  ---------------------  -----   ----  ----  ------      --------
    0     650 MHz  512KB       SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIe      3.3     45C   29C  online      Blade/CPU0

    ================================= IO Devices =================================
    Bus     Freq  Slot +      Name +
    Type    MHz   Status      Path                          Model
    ------  ----  ----------  ----------------------------  --------------------
    pci     33    Blade       isa/su (serial)
                  okay        /pci at 1f,0/isa at 7/serial at 0,3f8

    pci     33    Blade       pci108e,abba (network)        SUNW,pci-ce
                  okay        /pci at 1f,0/network at a

    pci     33    Blade       pci108e,abba (network)        SUNW,pci-ce
                  okay        /pci at 1f,0/network at b

    pci     33    Blade       pci10b9,5229 (ide)
                  okay        /pci at 1f,0/ide at d

    ============================ Memory Configuration ============================
    Segment Table:
    Base Address       Size       Interleave Factor  Contains
    0x0                512MB             1           Blade
    0x40000000         512MB             1           Blade

I'm attaching "truss -f" of "bzr help" below for more information about



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