When is merge -r cherry-picking?

Benjamin Jansen aogail at w007.org
Thu Nov 11 19:57:45 GMT 2010

On Nov 11, 2010, at 10:49 AM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

> which seems to imply that "bzr merge -r 82" is a real merge, not
> cherrypicking.
> Can someone please shed some light on this?

My understanding, as a bzr user, is that the above is not a cherry pick. Specifying a single revision tells bzr to merge all revisions *up to* revision 82 from the other branch. All the parent revisions are brought along, so you aren't leaving out any revision history.

A cherry pick is when you are leaving out revision history. When you use flags like "-c 82" or "-r 82..85" you are telling bzr to merge only the changes from the specific revision or revisions given, ignoring all their parents that are also missing from your destination branch.

- Ben

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