No one? Re: Ready in bzr/proposed: subvertpy 0.7.5 - special request for hardy / jaunty testers of bzr-svn

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Nov 10 02:55:29 GMT 2010

On 10 November 2010 12:29, Max Bowsher <maxb at> wrote:
> On 29/10/10 18:14, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Subvertpy 0.7.5 is now in bzr/proposed.
>> For hardy and jaunty (Subversion 1.4 and 1.5) this is the first time
>> we've been able to package an 0.7.x version of Subvertpy.
>> Therefore, I am especially interested in any reports of success or
>> failure of bzr-svn uses on those distros.
>> As a corollary, I'm also interested how many, if any, people we have
>> reading this list who still use Bazaar on these old Ubuntu series.
> Is there anyone reading this who uses bzr-svn from the ~bzr PPAs on
> hardy or jaunty at all?

I reposted <> in the hope of getting more feedback.

Unless someone says "yes, please do" perhaps we should stop doing new
releases of bzr-svn onto those platforms.  I know plenty of people
still run those OSs on servers, but that may not be where they use


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