Merge algorithms

Eli Zaretskii eliz at
Sat Nov 6 09:11:16 GMT 2010

> From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz at>
> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 05:53:33 -0400
> Cc: bazaar at
> > Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 12:02:24 +1100
> > From: Andrew Bennetts <andrew.bennetts at>
> > Cc: bazaar at
> > 
> > The confusion is that there are two quite different places you can configure
> > this plugin, but they have not very distinct names: in per-user
> > configuration file (~/.bazaar/locations.conf) or in a per-branch
> > configuration file ($my_branch/.bzr/branch/branch.conf).  Unfortunately I've
> > confused you so that you've tried to use a configuration file that doesn't
> > exist as far as Bazaar as concerned ($my_branch/.bzr/branch/branch.conf).
> I tried in ~/.bazaar as well, although perhaps not as thoroughly.  I
> will try again, thanks for setting me straight.

I tried again, and it indeed works, thanks.  I think I know what I did
wrong previously, when I tried it in ~/.bazaar/locations.conf: the
file name in [/foo/bar] was not the top-level directory of a bzr
branch, but rather the top-level directory of a repository, which is
the parent of several branches.  I now defined several sections
instead, one each for every branch where I want this functionality.
Is that the correct setup?

> > I think I'll tweak bzr-changelog-merge so that you can pass a -D debug flag
> > to make it report on if it is finding configuration settings, and if it is
> > finding files matching those settings, etc.
> That'd be good.

I couldn't find any explicit sign in .bzr.log of the plugin being
loaded and used.  The only difference between a merge that uses the
plugin and the one that doesn't is this entry:

  Base revid: 'eliz at'

(To be more precise, I show below the full log of a merge that used
the plugin; the merge that doesn't use it looks identical, except that
the above entry is absent.)  Is that expected?

> > I also clearly need to tweak the help text, but perhaps I should actually
> > just remove most of the attempt at quick start help and refer to the main
> > bzr docs for configuration?  I'm not sure.  Suggestions are welcome!
> I will be sure to voice any suggestions I might have once I succeed in
> getting this to work.  Thanks.

Re-reading the help text again, I think it's mostly okay, except that
I would suggest to tell explicitly that [/home/user/proj] should name
a branch.  There's also a double colon "::" which is probably a typo.

Thanks again for this nice feature.  Given enough testing and positive
feedback from others, I would suggest to make it part of bzrtools.

Here's the full log of a merge that used the plugin:

  Sat 2010-11-06 09:55:40 +0200
  0.172  bazaar version: 2.2.1
  0.172  bzr arguments: [u'merge', u'../djgpp']
  0.187  looking for plugins in C:/Documents and Settings/Zaretzky/Application Data/bazaar/2.0/plugins
  0.187  looking for plugins in D:/usr/Bazaar/plugins
  0.469  encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp862'
  0.531  opening working tree 'D:/gnu/bzr/emacs/trunk'
  2.562  Base revid: 'eliz at'
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/ChangeLog
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/dispextern.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/dispnew.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/frame.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/lisp.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/msdos.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/msdos.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/nsterm.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/nsterm.m
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/term.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/termchar.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/w32term.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/w32term.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/xdisp.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/xmenu.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/xterm.c
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 INFO:  M  src/xterm.h
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.265 WARNING: Text conflict in src/nsterm.m
  [  580] 2010-11-06 09:55:45.437 INFO: 1 conflicts encountered.

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