Bazaar Destroyed My Repository

consiliens consiliens at
Tue Nov 2 20:08:27 GMT 2010

On 11/02/2010 03:01 AM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> I have a repair-repo script that automate part of the repairing that I
> should submit (based on the one you found in the bug report), but this
> address only the repository part of the problem, not the branch
> repairing step.

Let me know when you publish the script.  I'd love to have an automated 
solution.  One step that wasn't covered in the original bug report is 
resetting branch.conf to [commit_data].

 > It will help if you could file abug explaining what kind of crash you
 > experimented, which OS and which file system you are using so we can
 > collect more info on the contexts where this bug manifests itself.

The crash was a kernel panic on 10.04 using the ext4 file system.  I 
found many existing bugs and there doesn't seem to be any progress on 
fixing the issue.

It would be nice if bzr could detect the failure and, instead of 
crashing, offer to fix the problem.

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