Bazaar Destroyed My Repository

consiliens consiliens at
Mon Nov 1 19:05:31 GMT 2010

I have a bazaar repository with one file in it and bzr crashed during a 
commit.  Now every bzr command results in the following error.

bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ShortReadvError: readv() read 0 bytes rather 
than 181 bytes at 0 for "f4240273ed8f10a10d90e6410e5a35bf.rix"

f4240273ed8f10a10d90e6410e5a35bf.pack is a 0 byte file so the md5sum 
fails.  I looked through the bzr bug tracker and it seems that bzr 
irrecoverably ruined the entire repository.

Eclipse kept the latest version so that's not lost.  Is there a way of 
removing the failed commit so I can access the rest of the repository?

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