Debian package for Bazaar 2.2

Francis Devereux francis at
Tue Oct 26 18:11:52 BST 2010

Hi Max,

On 26 Oct 2010, at 17:43, Max Bowsher wrote:

> On 26/10/10 17:27, Francis Devereux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a Debian Lenny server that is currently running Bazaar 2.0.2.
>> I'd like to upgrade it to bzr 2.2.x. Are there any packages available?
>> I've looked at Debian Backports
>> ( but the latest version
>> available there is 2.0.
> The principal difficulty here is actually with hosting and build farm
> rather than anything else.
> Under normal circumstances, we could seek sponsorship to include Bazaar
> 2.2 in Debian Backports, but because Debian is currently in freeze
> preparing for the Squeeze release, we cannot get 2.2 into Debian testing
> which is a prerequisite for getting it into Backports.
> We could at this point ask for an update of Backports with the package
> version currently in testing, which is 2.1.2, but as this is already an
> obsolete release, there is little motivation to do so.
> It would not be particularly hard for me to put amd64 and i386 lenny
> packages on if there is actually sufficient interest. I am,
> however, speaking only of bzr and maybe bzrtools, rather the full suite
> of plugin packages provided in the Ubuntu PPA.
> However, I'm a little reluctant to do so, when this would only be a
> temporary workaround for the fact Debian is currently in freeze.

If you do decide to upload packages please let me know but I'll understand if you decide not to.

I currently have bzr, bzrtools, bzr-svn, bzr-xmloutput and bzr-rebase installed but I could do without bzr-rebase and bzr-xmloutput.  I compiled the binary packages that I'm using at the moment myself (I can't remember which source packages I used unfortunately) so I could always build my own packages for the new versions - I was just trying to save myself that effort if someone else had already made suitable packages.



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