Large repository support

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Oct 20 21:47:15 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 10/20/2010 2:47 PM, Сюзев Кирилл wrote:
> Good day.
> I currently try to use bazaar together with central repository (svn).
> Repository is big, after checkout .bzr folder has size of 20 GB. So
> every time I use bzr up, it takes 15-20  minutes to update repository,
> even in case when only few small files were updated. Most of the time is
> wasted on repacking signatures.

It actually isn't repacking signatures. That is just the last step that
gets a ui update. The actual time spent is that the final
'commit-to-the-repository' does some referential integrity checks. Those
were actually already done while the content was streamed in, but there
were some concerns about other methods of injection that may not have
done the check.

> The best solution to me is to retrieve from svn only N last revisions
> during the initial checkout, not the whole history, but this feature is
> not implemented now.
> So, can anybody give me a hint what to do?
> P.S: checked on 2 computers - Win7, x64, Core 2 Duo, 4 GB and MacBook,
> Core 2 Duo, 4 GB.

In bzr land, the best solution is usually to partition your tree. I
don't know your specific data, but I would doubt that you couldn't find
at least *some* partition points inside that 20GB of stuff. (Different
applications, different libraries, data vs code, etc.) At which point,
you have lots of smaller branches, and each one no longer has to be
tree-wide atomic with all of the other content.

If you're coming from SVN, you didn't have tree-wide atomic anyway.
(commit is atomic, but I can commit to 'tree/foo' and you can commit to
'tree/bar', and a checkout will get both updates.)

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