Should bzr aliases possibly be in their own file?
Michael Gliwinski
Michael.Gliwinski at
Wed Oct 20 09:52:08 BST 2010
On Thursday 14 Oct 2010 06:22:38 Martin Pool wrote:
> On 14 October 2010 10:22, Tom Browder <tom.browder at> wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 18:17, Tom Browder <tom.browder at> wrote:
> >> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 18:00, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> >>> Hi Tom,
> >>>
> >>> I think the desire to split up config files so they can be merged and
> >>> copied doesn't need to be specific to aliases. Perhaps we should have
> >>> a conf.d directory, and read in the contents of all files within it.
> >
> > Sorry, I sent too soon, and Philip's e-mail crossed mine. Once more:
> >
> > Martin that sounds good, and that would satisfy system-wide values and
> > eliminate the need for an environment variable.
> >
> > But what about user changes? I still like the idea of environment
> > variables for the location of that file or files or directory in order
> > to override any default. At the moment I use symbolic links to work
> > around that.
> I think we would have a system and per-user configuration directory,
> and then a defined ordering within them.
All this sounds awesome, good to see things happening here.
While talking about config files, etc. have you considered the XDG base
directory specification [1]? More and more programs are moving to it as it
provides some compelling benefits. Example:
- system and user specific dirs with well defined precedence, overridable via
environment variables
- separation of real config data from caches, etc. allows e.g. easier backups
or versioning of config files
It is simple-enough to implement if you don't want additional dependencies but
there is also the PyXDG library for accessing standards
(including base dir spec) [2].
Michael Gliwinski
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