[ANN] bzr-colo 0.2.0 released

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Mon Oct 18 06:25:42 BST 2010

The bzr-colo contributors and I are pleased to announce the 0.2 release 
of bzr-colo.  This release fixes a number of bugs and adds convenience 
features for the "colo-sync-to" and "colo-sync-from" commands.

There is a compatibility change that the backslash character is no 
longer allowed in colocated branch names due to cross-platform issues.

A detailed list of changes follows:

Compatibility Changes

* Branch names with backslashes are no longer allowed in the colo:
   specifier,due to differing interpretations on different platforms.
   Forward slashes are still allowed and can be used to make colocated
   workspaces with hierarchical collections of branches.  URL-encoded
   backslashes ('\' -> %5C) are allowed.

   If your filesystem permits directories with backslashes in the name,
   then you can work with those branches directly in .bzr/branches.  If
   you currently have a colocated workspace with branch names that
   include backslashes, then you can rename those branches using
   filesystem tools inside of the .bzr/branches directory. (#612618)


* The colo-sync-to and colo-sync-from commands each save a default
   location on their first invocation so that further synchronizations
   can be done simply with ``bzr colo-sync-from`` and ``bzr
   colo-sync-to``.  A different location can always be specified and the
   default location can be changed using the ``--remember`` option.

* Ignore the "colo:" prefix if specified in the colo-prune command.
   Note that if you have branches that start with that prefix (!) this
   change will make it harder to delete them.  (#574995)

* Add a "--from-branch" option to the colo-checkout command to allow for
   creating new workspaces from branches other than the current one.
   (#586788, Brian de Alwis)

Bug Fixes

* Fix the test suite with bzr 2.2 by removing the use of run_direct.

* Account for API changes in set_reference between Bazaar 2.1 and 2.2.

* Correctly normalize remote URLs for workspaces with no working trees.
   (#611006, Michael Gliwinski)


* Add a rudimentary test suite for qbzr-based commands.

* Adapt to new signature of bzrlib.branch.Branch.set_reference' which
   now needs a "name" parameter for colocated branches (eep!).

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