understanding some of the basics

John Gabriele jmg3000 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 08:41:21 BST 2010

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Neil Martinsen-Burrell
<nmb at wartburg.edu> wrote:
> $ bzr init-repo ~/the-proj
> $ cd ~/the-proj
> $ bzr init trunk
> $ cd trunk
> # hack, hack, hack: edit, bzr commit, repeat
> $ bzr tag "works-ok" # marks the current revision of trunk
> $ bzr branch . ../crazy-feature
> $ cd ../crazy-feature
> # hack, hack, hack: edit, bzr commit, repeat
> $ cd ../trunk
> $ bzr merge ../crazy-feature
> # test the result of the merge
> $ bzr commit -m "merged crazy feature"

I notice that checkouts (using the checkout & upgrade commands) are
not used anywhere there. After looking a bit more at the docs, it
seems like checkouts are a separate feature from branches (except for
being bound to one), and one could happily go on using bzr for quite a
long while without ever using them at all. Is that the case?

Were checkouts added to bzr as a feature to make it more palatable to
folks looking for a more centralized workflow?

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