$HOME/.bazaar/plugins Path Not Used by Default

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Fri Oct 15 17:39:07 BST 2010

>>>>> Tom Browder <tom.browder at gmail.com> writes:

    > According to the bzr docs, on *nix, directory $BZR_HOME
    > ($HOME/.bazaar by default), subdirectory "plugins" is, by default,
    > searched for plugins--but that doesn't work for me (using bzr
    > 2.2.1).

Which doc are you referring to ?


explains all the details about BZR_PLUGIN_PATH.

    > My plugin, thanks to Neil, does work if I drop it into my defined
    > $BZR_PLUGINS directory, however.

This implies you redefine BZR_PLUGIN_PATH ans as explained in the doc,
the default case is that you want to override your own plugins.

If you want to *add* system-wide plugins, then you should use:




depending on which ones you want to override the others (if it happens
that a plugin is defined in both, otherwise this dones't matter).


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